The Book with the Good Intentions is a detective story in verse. Used bookstore owner/book detective Perry Cassidy aims to find out what happened to the woman who wrote inside an old book of Ogden Nash's poetry. "Please baby, let's change," Gloria wrote. It was a plea written in red ink and mirrored in other notes throughout the book, desperate words of love and regret penned inside a book of nonsense poetry. But Gloria's life was not nonsense, and Perry set out to discover the mystery of Gloria's life, even if it took her down some dark alleys and dangerous avenues.
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Bookstore owner Perry Cassidy, proprietor of A Book a Day in fictional Shatubby, Oklahoma, has a hobby of exploring the story behind the notes that people have written in their books that wind up in her store. Follow her as she solves “book mysteries,” beginning with . . .
In the Book with the Beacon Lights, Perry is intrigued by the notes between two high school girls written in one’s 1948 English literature textbook Beacon Lights of Literature. When she discovers that one of the girls was murdered, the case begins!
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The Book with the Beacon Lights is a publication of Bacone College’s Indian University Press and features artwork by Ray Grass and photographs by Betty Perkins.
The Book with the Broken Locket involves a 1939 edition of a Nancy Drew book, The Case of the Broken Locket. Owned by a young girl in the 1930’s, Perry finds a mystery surrounding the girl that the family has hidden for almost 80 years.
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